We are proud to present Michel Boutin from Lorrainville, Temiscamingue, Quebec; he is now living in Trois-Rivieres. Michel is the Vice-President of the Trois-Rivieres genealogical society and he has accepted to become our official genealogist. He owns an impressive amount of data concerning the Boutin family from the Ancestor to today. He dedicates himself to genealogical searches for a good number of years and his informations are very accurate. You will find below his email address along with the genealogical site dedicated to the Boutin family that you will find very interesting. Please do not hesitate to send your family information to Michel.
Nous profitons de l'occasion pour vous souhaiter une anée 2014 des plus prospère.
We wish everyone have a very good year 2014.
adresse de Michel : mikegenea@hotmail.com
Site généalogique, genealogical site: http://www.quisontmesancetres.
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